When You Worry Too Much
Evaluation and counseling: If you believe you might be struggling with anxiety, it’s important to see a medical or behavioral health professional for an evaluation.
Medications: Depending on the type and severity of your symptoms, a physician may prescribe an anti-anxiety or antidepressant medication. These provide symptom relief and can increase the effectiveness of counseling.
Fighting Fear: Accessible to you anytime, an innovative online cognitive-behavioral-therapy program called FearFighterTM provides computer-based sessions to help those experiencing panic and phobia(s) to lessen their symptoms. FearFighter teaches techniques for overcoming fears—breaking the harmful cycle of self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors. To access FearFighter, log in to magellanassist.com (when prompted, type in 1-800-327-1393). Click on the BENEFITS tab and select the Web-Based Care drop-down option. If you need assistance, you can call 1-800-327-1393 and speak to an EAP counselor.