April is Stress Awareness Month
According to the American Institute of Stress, an estimated 75-90 percent of visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related disorders, ranging from stomach trouble to heart disease. Surveys and studies confirm that occupational pressures and fears are the leading source of stress for American adults.
If you find your stress to be overwhelming, get help from your BMC resources.
- Employee Assistance Program: Call 1-800-327-1393 and speak to an EAP counselor. Or go to magellanassist.com (When prompted, type in BMC’s toll-free EAP number,
1-800-327-1393). - MDLIVE: New for 2017, MDLIVE offers help from licensed therapists by online video, phone or secure e-mail. Call 1-800-400-MDLIVE or visit mdlive.com. (Select Get Started > Active Benefit).
- Your medical plan. See the 2017 U.S. Benefits Guide for details about your medical plan’s mental health benefits.
Useful Links
“Six Myths about Stress,” from the American Psychological Association.
Sometimes life can feel like a bit of a mess, but these five talks from Ted.com can help you de-stress.