Travel Worry-Free This Spring
Planning to hit the road this spring break? As you prepare for your trip and review those checklists, don’t leave home without your Blue Cross medical ID card. You’ll need it if you or your family is ill or injured while travelling.
Your Blue Cross coverage opens doors in all 50 states and is accepted by more than 90% of doctors and specialists. If you plan to travel outside the United States, you can find information about the BlueCard Worldwide® program on the website. BlueCard Worldwide helps you and your family get needed health care from an international network of providers and hospitals around the world.
If you are enrolled in the Kaiser HMO Plan, call Kaiser Member Services at 1-800-464-4000 to confirm your coverage while travelling. In an emergency, call this number for precertification or preauthorization.
Useful Links
Get tips for staying safe during spring break from the America Safety Council.
Best family spring-break trips from Travel & Leisure magazine