It’s Tax Time!
If you’ve been procrastinating, now’s the time to gather up all your paperwork, W-2 forms, and receipts, and prepare your 2013 tax forms. For your Fidelity accounts, you receive Fidelity-issued 1099 and 5498 tax forms. If you have questions about these forms, please visit the Fidelity Tax Center for more information.
Direct Deposit Your Tax Refund
You may be able to direct deposit your IRS and/or state tax refund into your Fidelity account(s). This is an easy way to direct your refund money into a tax-advantaged or other investment account without the temptation to spend it. Read More…
Rediscover the Power of the IRA
Did you know you can save in the BMC 401(k) Plan and a Traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA)? You have until April 15, 2014 to contribute to an IRA if you have contribution room. Get the IRA eligibility and contribution limits here. To learn more about IRAs, watch the Fidelity presentation “Rediscover the Power of the IRA.”