Leave of Absence: What You Need to Know
Whether you suddenly become ill or injured, or you're planning surgery or child birth, you'll need to know the basics of BMC's short-term disability benefits and family medical leave policy.The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Short-Term Disability (STD) program work hand-in-hand. FMLA allows you to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave in a 12-month period due to certain family and health related reasons or your own serious health problem. STD, on the other hand, pays a percentage of your regular salary if you are unable to work due to an illness, injury or pregnancy. FMLA and STD run concurrently. Read More...
EAP Offers Free and Confidential Help With a Call or Click
If you participated in any of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) webinars in August, you know that the EAP can help—whatever challenges life throws your way. You may be struggling with stress at work, needing financial or legal advice, or coping with the death of a loved one. The EAP offers assistance and support around the clock for many challenges that may affect you, your family and your job, including: Read More...
Smart Saving for College
If you have kids, you want a college education for them. But do you know how much college costs? Do you know how much you need to save? Do you know the many different tax-advantaged ways to save for college? The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has created a guide that will help answer these questions and give you the information you need to wisely save and invest for college. You can make a college education an affordable choice for you or your child. Read More...
Source: FINRA
Learn More
Visit the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) website for information on financial aid, saving money, and college preparation tips for parents and students (enter Username: BMC; Password: EAP). Click on the My Family tab and select College from the drop-down menu.
Good to Know
Each year, BMC Software offers up to six college scholarships to sons and daughters of BMC employees. Winners are selected in conjunction with the National Merit Scholarship Corporation and receive a maximum award of $2,500 per year for up to four years of undergraduate college study. Read about the 2014 program and how to apply.