Work Hard, Play Hard Update
Work Hard, Play Hard is your annual opportunity to expand your potential and become the best possible version of you: physically, emotionally, intellectually, occupationally, socially, and spiritually.
We are three months into bWell 2022, and things are heating up at the Work Hard, Play Hard beach. As of December 31, many players are well on their way to Hanging Ten with 8,000 points:
- 135 have reached the Rest & Relax Level by participating in a health screening and completing the Well-Being Survey. (1,000 points and $100 savings on 2023 medical premiums or a $100 gift card*). * If you choose a cash reward (gift card), the Internal Revenue Code considers the gift card value taxable income.
- 59 have reached the Sculpt Sand Level by participating in Work Hard, Play Hard challenges (3,000 points plus an additional $200 reward or savings on 2023 medical premiums).
Is this the year you want to break a habit or improve your sleep hygiene? Whatever you want to do for your well-being, bWell can help. You can design up to 12 custom challenges and receive points. If you’re going to pursue additional challenges, go ahead. Points will be awarded for up to 12 custom challenges, but there’s no limit on how many custom challenges you can create.
Join the Team Cardio Challenge Feb. 7 to Mar. 4
February is the month to work out, have fun, and show your heart some love. The BMC wellness program, Work Hard, Play Hard, invites you to complete 500 minutes of cardiovascular exercise between Feb. 7 and Mar. 4. We’re calling this team challenge the Work Out, Have Fun Cardio Team Challenge and it’s a great way to get moving or moving more for your health and earn rewards. Get ready to form a team with three to five of your work buddies. Watch your email for details.